Saturday, January 29, 2005

Do you think for Cy's birthday we could all pitch in and get Karen to speak to him for a whole day in a German accent?

Friday, January 28, 2005

No real reapers were hurt in the filming of this movie.

Found at the end of the credits to Blade II.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Amazon's A9 service has great pictures of New York City, block by block.

They have this great picture of the M & G Diner at the corner, just downstairs from us.

If you click on the arrows to walk down the block at the bottom, you will see a pharmacy two pictures to the right. The door to the left of the pharmacy is my door.

I have been introduced to the word Funitude.

Introductions to new words involve mandatory googling to find previous usage. The great thing about googling funitude is that you see a huge listing of ads that people have linked up with the word. Tons and tons of ads.

All for... furniture, from a bazillion companies that decided that somebody googling for funitude would be looking for furniture. As Antonia points out, "How drunk do you have to be to type in funitude when you were actually trying to type furniture?"

Also - I need boggle. damnit. And people to play it with. Here. damnit.

Antonia again just informed me that the chest we are using for a coffee table in our living room has BOARD GAMES in it.

I suddenly had a small glimpse of winning the lotto, pre descent into nouveau riche.

Do you think that we can get Dave Chappelle to say, "I'm Nouveau Riche Bitch?"

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The Music from Top Gun is going through my head.


Doubtlessly this due to some karmic error from the missed oscar nomination for that movie I have not seen yet.
Allen just called my Pop Tarts, sitting on a paper towel (we have paper towels?) on the counter, forcibly expatriated from the toaster by Gali, who needed to make toast - well, Allen called them beguiling.

Come to think of it, they kinda do have a come hither look...
Allen just called my Pop Tarts, sitting on a paper towel (we have paper towels?) on the counter, forcibly expatriated from the toaster by Gali, who needed to make toast - well, Allen called them beguiling.

Come to think of it, they kinda do have a come hither look...
Some unknown force has cloven my return key in half.

Apple is sending me a box to send back the laptop and get it repaired.

I am getting ornery.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Two of the subway lines, the A & C, that service my stop have been screwed up by a fire at Chambers St caused by a homeless man setting fire to a shopping cart full of wood.

The C line may go away for up to five years.

Baby it hurts so bad...
Put on the soundtrack to Dancer in the Dark, then read this NYT article about torture under the auspices of the US government written by Andrew Sullivan.

Monday is depressing.
Ladies and Gentlemen, your exit visas do not come in little cups.

From the IPCC:

"Above the 2 degrees level, the risks of abrupt, accelerated, or runaway climate change also increase. The possibilities include reaching climatic tipping points leading, for example, to the loss of the West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets (which, between them, could raise sea level more than 10 metres over the space of a few centuries), the shutdown of the thermohaline ocean circulation (and, with it, the Gulf Stream), and the transformation of the planet's forests and soils from a net sink of carbon to a net source of carbon."

If it is any consolation, Florida will be among the first to go.

Sigh. There should be more of this.
The comments about me looking like a thirty year old father of three are linked to my current state of alaundria.

No other explanation is necessary, not will one be provided.
On penalty of extreme pissiness I was dragged kicking and screaming to The Container Store this morning to deal with the "Clutter situation" in my apartment and my room.

There is a big plastic box sitting in my closet for stuff. Stuff that is supposed to come out of the stacked boxen in the corner of my room.

This curious stack of boxen tend to go through a fairly predictable cycle.

0 Stack of boxen.

pi/2. I need to find something in a box, so I stack the boxes next to each other on the floor.

pi. More and more stuff has been pulled out of the boxes. The boxes are only partially filled, with overflow extending along the wall, over the dresser, and to the door.

3pi/2. Floor space has diminished. Where are my pants? General grumbling. Ultimatums.


Thanks to the container store, I now have fractional ownership of a chopping block on wheels in my kitchen, and full ownership of a coat rack.

Yes, we played "Ride the chopping block that has wheels that are there for rolling across the room while making superman flying motions."

Also, does anybody get terribly excited while watching a movie and noticing "that actor that looks like Chow Yun Fat?"

What does that say about me?

Sunday, January 23, 2005

For the second time in three weeks...

Baking Soda is not a perfect substitute for Baking Powder when baking a pie crust.


Also, 14 inches of snow does not make for a blizzard.


With all of the noise the media was making, I was expecting something out of "The Day After Tomorrow."