Saturday, March 04, 2006

Mac Book Pro Day 3

I finally have 1.5Gb of RAM on the machine, up from the standard 512Mb, which just wasn't enough.

The stripped screw over the ram compartment that was keeping me from adding ram (due to a right shitful screwdriver from Radio Shack) has been fixed by the quite resourceful people at Digital Society this afternoon.

I'm now sitting at Starbucks on 8th St just west of University Pl, with Belle & Sebastian on the store speakers, and internet through T-Mobile's free weekend hotspot service for T-Mobile customers, and a large cup of Hot Chocolate at my side.

The machine flies.

Full Speed i386 virtualized performance is only days away, and I do look forward to running windows side by side with OS X.

The machine flies.

Also, I just saw a man walking down Broadway with a cat on his hat, speaking loudly (I assume) to his cat, which was sitting quite serenely and taking in the sights.

The season finale of Battlestar Galactica is next Friday, and Jon Stewart takes the stage tomorrow night.

This is a bad time to be a television hater.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

On Apple's New Products today

As seen commented elsewhere:

"$350 for a speaker? Who the hell spends $350 on a speaker? Now if they threw in an iPod..."

Quote for the Day

A Gandhi he is not.

Quote for the Day: "

'Toppled Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein has ended his hunger strike on health grounds,' - the Scotsman.


(Purportedly Via Andrew Sullivan | The Daily Dish.)

Caitlin & Laura, the rematch

Caitlin & Laura, the rematch
Originally uploaded by satmandu.
There's always time for Dr. Mario when friends visit.

rolling keegan's stomach

rolling keegan's stomach
Originally uploaded by becksu614.
Note also the uncredited fifth Mich Haus member in that picture.

The Hobart industrial dishwasher to Molly's left.


I miss that dishwasher (as I look at my sink...)