Saturday, November 20, 2004

Seth's father's legendary Mashed Potato recipe:

5lbs potato

8 sour cream

8oz cream cheese

a stick of butta

sprinkle bread crumbs

stick it in the oven at 250F till barely golden

I will modify it to add copious quantities of garlic and perhaps some cheddar for the meal tonight.

Cookingforengineers has nothing to add, so perhaps I'm good for now.

[Update: 12:08am]

The potatoes were a smashing success!

My final modifications were to add to the above:

+1.5 sticks of butta

4 garlic cloves

fresh ground garlic

.5 cups heavy cream (scalded)

.5 lbs Sharp Cheddar

stuck in the oven at 350 for ten minutes

And now I must go help clean up.
The best University of Michigan commercial ever just played during the halftime of the Michigan/Ohio State game.

It just says "Apollo 15, an all U of M crew."

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi lacinia libero eu nulla. Morbi ultrices erat volutpat nibh. Nam pretium, libero sed feugiat cursus, pede lorem pulvinar magna, in vestibulum urna nulla id felis. Etiam placerat adipiscing leo. Mauris vel turpis. Aenean eu mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur dapibus, nibh ut pellentesque viverra, wisi ligula dignissim tellus, a sodales dolor mauris at tellus. Quisque non nulla. Vestibulum ornare nulla consectetuer neque. Etiam tristique, mauris vitae euismod faucibus, risus eros aliquam ligula, non viverra nibh arcu et lacus. Vivamus viverra, leo eget eleifend feugiat, urna mi ultrices ligula, quis lacinia risus velit vitae purus. Suspendisse congue fringilla lacus. Aliquam quis lacus. Morbi at velit. In est dolor, pulvinar vel, auctor et, hendrerit varius, arcu. Vivamus vulputate orci at dui. Mauris ultricies hendrerit dolor. Morbi vitae enim ut justo fringilla gravida.

Integer nec elit. Ut adipiscing. Vivamus vitae massa tincidunt nunc volutpat molestie. Phasellus urna massa, vestibulum semper, faucibus ac, aliquam sed, sapien. Fusce facilisis mi eget nibh. Fusce at dui. Vivamus dolor. Integer nulla magna, faucibus sit amet, fringilla in, pellentesque ut, mauris. Cras eget dolor. Morbi ultrices, risus placerat ornare egestas, risus lorem tempor est, eget volutpat erat ipsum ornare nulla. Morbi nec velit eget ligula sollicitudin varius. Vivamus vitae mi.

Donec est. Duis nibh turpis, volutpat id, scelerisque quis, venenatis et, sapien. In id leo. Curabitur est. Nullam ultrices tristique neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam adipiscing lacinia elit. Mauris nulla quam, euismod sit amet, fringilla eget, tempus vel, nulla. Morbi commodo, orci eget feugiat lacinia, arcu pede pharetra orci, at eleifend metus urna eget augue. Aenean odio. Vestibulum feugiat pede eu diam. Etiam egestas. Suspendisse lacinia. Curabitur luctus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus mattis, dui ut pulvinar pretium, sapien risus adipiscing ligula, sed porta magna neque at justo.

Etiam cursus. Sed rutrum ante vitae sem. Vestibulum accumsan magna ut justo. Vivamus venenatis. Maecenas vehicula, wisi quis dictum laoreet, enim augue vestibulum tellus, at auctor metus quam vel ipsum. Cras non turpis. Integer tellus dolor, fermentum at, iaculis eget, dignissim quis, ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In arcu velit, tristique aliquet, varius sed, eleifend nec, augue. Vestibulum neque justo, sodales nec, mollis et, adipiscing ut, arcu.

Etiam sollicitudin nisl eget velit. Ut sapien. Duis non lorem. Nunc placerat ullamcorper risus. Suspendisse tristique, lacus nec porta facilisis, mauris arcu malesuada justo, id nonummy metus erat vel felis. Nullam ut ipsum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Mauris lacinia accumsan ipsum. Vivamus id ligula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam mollis purus bibendum wisi. Aliquam iaculis tempus odio. Donec vel eros. Pellentesque est orci, volutpat et, dapibus porta, luctus at, turpis. Ut tristique purus vitae nisl. Nullam faucibus placerat lacus. Praesent aliquet orci vel lorem. Vivamus viverra.

I'm only getting a spelling error on the first word.

jeanne's cat snores and sounds like an owl
Google just announced

This would have been ridiculously useful back in UROP. Scirus and the other science search engines are pretty lacking.

Sigh. The results from this query now make me want to cry. There's so much more in 2004 than in 1998.

Damn you gratuitously plastic dinoflagellates! Damn your twenty four morphologies.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The bodega across the street has something like forty boxes of cereal.

We looked at five to ten this evening, and all were expired.

Gmail finally gave me pop access today.

It isn't IMAP, but I can at least go back to using Apple Mail now.

Gali points out:

as discussed:

Main Entry: asa·fet·i·da
Variant(s): or asa·foe·ti·da /"a-s&-'fe-t&-d&, -'fE-; Southern also
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English asafetida, from Medieval Latin asafoetida,
from Persian azA mastic + Latin foetida, feminine of foetidus fetid
: the dried fetid gum resin of the root of several west Asian plants
(genus Ferula) of the carrot family used as a flavoring especially in
Indian cooking and formerly used in medicine especially as an
antispasmodic and in folk medicine as a general prophylactic against

Also, I was given a Burger King Crown at a client's office today.

Badly paraphrasing a french king: The kingdom is worth the paper crown.
Gmail finally gave me pop access today.

It isn't IMAP, but I can at least go back to using Apple Mail now.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The funniest thing I've seen all week.

And, new years plans anybody? How about New York this time? I've got a place in harlem for people to crash...

Monday, November 15, 2004

This is why I love New York:

Do Pretty Girls Ride The Subway: "


Someone hacked into the MTA's computer system yesterday and changed the LED message at the West Fourth Station to read "PRETTY GIRLS DON'T RIDE THE SUBWAY." Apparently, the new message appeared for several hours until 8PM last night, and the MTA is investigating whether or not it was an "inside job" or someone who has never had a reason to post a subway missed connection on craigslist. Of course, the female straphangers are annoyed. One told the Daily News, "It's a vicious lie." But one found some humor in it: "Pretty women take the subway so we can go spend money on more important things - like alcohol." You go, girl! And, clearly, Gothamist believes the subway is filled with lovely ladies, as well as handsome fellas, adorable babies, that person who didn't wear deodorant, the woman with too much perform, a leering skeeve, the arguing couple, the out-of-towners who think if you're on an orange line you'll go the same place, kids trying to sell you M&Ms, and countless others.

This is yet another investigative coup for the Daily News, who apparently researched the story yesterday (their picture is at right). Last week, it broke the MTA's acceptance of an ad promoting oral sex. Gothamist on the F train's rep as the "love train" and subway love in general. And in MTA budget news, even though they are slashing or raising fares everywhere else, the MTA is not taking deep cuts at headquarters.


(Via Gothamist.)