Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Shades of Cake or Death?

Sweden's Penal Code lists the penalty for Murder 1 to be "ten years or life" imprisonment.

I bet they have a lower murder rate too.

And don't get me started about their gini coeff.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Designing for Traffic

I went to the Museum of the City of New York's Robert Moses exhibit.

Robert Moses is arguably the single man respponsible for what NYC is today. He built several tunnels, bridges, Lincoln Center, and was a major backer of bringing the UN to NYC (beating out Philadelphia).

He also suggested several multilane freeways through Manhattan, across Canal, connecting the Holland Tunnel & the Brooklyn & Manhattan bridges, across Manhattan at 30th st, and even a non-freeway extension of 5th Avenue down through a newly former Washington Square Park, via Fifth Avenue South (neé West Broadway) and down to the new Canal St freeway.

Tony noted that the exhibit was completely crowded with people.

Perhaps if there had been an overhead expressway to alleviate congestion at a Moses Exhibit...