Purportedly Via engadget.com:
FairUse4WM strips Windows Media DRM!: "
Filed under: Portable Audio
So far as the yet very quiet forums are claiming, a new app called FairUse4WM can be used to strip Windows Media DRM 10 and 11 (i.e. PlaysForSure, but not WM DRM 9). Yes, yes, we know, we've heard this song and dance before. But before we proceed, let's just be totally clear on how the system works, providers like Napster and Yahoo Music Unlimited provide subscription service for unlimited access to Windows Media DRMed files; stop paying the fee, stop getting access to the files -- but you already knew all this. We tried FairUse4WM and we can verify that it quickly and easily stripped the DRM from our Napster To Go tracks, and made them freely available to play on our Mac (which, of course, has Flip4Mac installed). In other words, it's a simple, apparently lossless, one-step method for making your files playable after you're no longer paying fees on your subscription service. Didn't work on our Vongo videos, but we can verify with all certainty that yes, Windows Media DRM can now be easily and quickly stripped from PlaysForSure media services. Now watch as Microsoft shuts down the forums and runs damage control in order to prevent an digital media entire platform from collapsing. Click on for a couple more pics of the app in action!
Some links to the app (no, we can't verify their validity, and yes, we take absolutely zero accountability for what you may do with it): here, here, and here.
[Thanks, Frank]
Now here's that same track we just downloaded from Napster playing on Quicktime (with Flip4Mac, which, of cousre, doesn't support WM DRM.)Read | Permalink |>"
Friday, August 25, 2006
WIndows Media DRM 10 & 11 Cracked
Thursday, August 24, 2006
NASA Ignores GAO, Plans CEV Announcement
Purportedly Via NASA Watch:
NASA Ignores GAO, Plans CEV Announcement: "
NASA Announces Contractor for Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle
'NASA Exploration Systems' managers will host a press conference at 4 p.m. EDT Thursday, Aug. 31, to announce the prime contractor to design, develop, and build Orion, America's next human spacecraft.'
'NASA's current acquisition strategy for the CEV places the project at risk of significant cost overruns, schedule delays, and performance shortfalls because it commits the government to a long-term product development effort before establishing a sound business case. NASA plans to award a contract for the design, development, production, and sustainment of the CEV in September 2006-before it has developed key elements of a sound business case, including well-defined requirements, a preliminary design, mature technology, and firm cost estimates.'
You’ll Have To Pry Pluto Out Of My Cold Dead Education
We're going to have to take this outside. Now.
Purportedly Via Warrenellis.com:
You’ll Have To Pry Pluto Out Of My Cold Dead Education: "
I will fight anyone who tells me that Pluto is not a planet.
OSI Layer 8: "The hardest layer to debug"
Re:Still not buying the KillerNIC story.
(Score:5, Funny)
by Trogre (513942) on Wednesday August 23, @08:52PM (#15966779)
You forgot the top layer in the OSI stack:
8: Operator
So many network problems I've had to troubleshoot have been tracked to layer 8.
Unfortunately it's also the hardest layer to debug.
Planet membership is like being a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
You add members, not take them out...
Anybody who says that Pluto takes "the magic out of the solar system" is a damned fool.
I for one look forward to having a summer cottage on the planet Ceres some day...
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Best Episode Ever
Now officially my favorite hour of television ever.
Does Joss Whedon nail whatever he touches? Shows? Genres? Actors?
An all musical episode of Buffy... absolute genius.
"She needs backup, Anya, Tara..."