Thursday, April 07, 2005

All this talk of regulating nanotech is making me hungry.

I want a bacon double cheeseburger with an extra dollop of grey goo, to go, so I can cruise and eat in my muscle Von Neumann machine.
I want to say somebody wake me up when there's a linux compatible version of cablecard hardware that will let me use MythTV with the scrambled basic channels they have in Manhattan. (The Cable Company Provided DVR only has a 80Gb drive, and at this point, it means four days worth of video - which isn't enough.)

Need I mention that the cable company's hardware does not make it easy to record a show to dvd?

I did notice season 1 of Galactica on a torrent site earlier... That might make up for the DVR recording over Galactica with episodes of Gilmore Girls, the Simpsons, and STNG.


I just want a DVR that gives me the ability to do what I want, and not be stuck in stupid business models.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

It's amazing how well the leftovers from Shana's Creamed Spinach come out of their Calphalon pot after a week and a half.

Just peels off, really.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I'm sorry if I have mentioned this before, but the Ghostbusters theme song in List Format.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Ron Jeremy is on Livejournal.
Oh the memories of my visit in 1999.