Saturday, November 20, 2004

Seth's father's legendary Mashed Potato recipe:

5lbs potato

8 sour cream

8oz cream cheese

a stick of butta

sprinkle bread crumbs

stick it in the oven at 250F till barely golden

I will modify it to add copious quantities of garlic and perhaps some cheddar for the meal tonight.

Cookingforengineers has nothing to add, so perhaps I'm good for now.

[Update: 12:08am]

The potatoes were a smashing success!

My final modifications were to add to the above:

+1.5 sticks of butta

4 garlic cloves

fresh ground garlic

.5 cups heavy cream (scalded)

.5 lbs Sharp Cheddar

stuck in the oven at 350 for ten minutes

And now I must go help clean up.

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