Sunday, September 11, 2005

Thank the gods I didn't grow up in a red state.

CULTURE: Honor Students Suspended Over Hair Dye: "Three honor students who'd never before been in trouble at school were booted from their Oklahoma high school for showing up with red, purple, and blue hair.

Lyndsay Burton, Jherika Bryant and Amanda Boese were dismissed from school by Principal Janet Blocker not long after they arrived Thursday morning, with purple, blue and red hair, respectively.

The girls -- all freshmen and all straight-A students -- said they were not warned before being told they would not be allowed back in class until they changed their hair color. The absence is considered unexcused, according to a discipline report given to the students, which means they will not be allowed to make up any tests or assignments they missed, they said.

Burton was dismissed at about 8:20 a.m., traveled to Enid, colored her hair and was back to class by lunch, but not before missing a test. Boese and Bryant were planning on changing their hair and going back to school today. Besides their honor student status, Boese is president and Bryant is vice president of their freshman class.

So let me get this straight: Honor roll students who were involved in student government were temporarily kicked out of a public high school and had their grades and academic records put in jeopardy for dying their hair? What decade are we in, now?

(Hat Tip: Fark)

(Written by: Shalome)


(Via SuicideGirls: News Wire.)

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