Wednesday, September 14, 2005

High Concept: "

You may have noticed that there are a whole bunch of 'celebrity poker' shows on television these days, where a group of famous people sit around playing cards and being snarky at each other, and they film the whole thing. I can't imagine too many things more boring than watching someone else play cards, but I guess fishing has a rich TV history too... Anyway, I have an idea, and hopefully one of my many readers in the entertainment industry will make it a reality:

    Celebrity Dungeons and Dragons.

I want to see a TV show where the flying camera crane zips around the table where Wil Wheaton, Puff Daddy, Michael Madsen, and Lindsay Lohan play D&D. I would totally watch that.

'Yo, I'm-a gonna get all up in that orc's face with my Magic Missile. Jack you up, orc!' Then then announcers banter, 'oh, Magic Missle! A bold choice, he might need that later. Here comes the roll...'

It would be GLORIOUS."

(Via jwz.)

Update: Wil's response here ( as mentioned on BoingBoing ).

Between that, Pictures of Wil wrestling Barney, and Patrick Stewart's fantastic voice acting on both American Dad & The Family Guy last Sunday (btw between which and the late Gargoyles series means that everybody from STNG has now done cartoon voice acting), I think I'm officially scarred for life.

Speaking of Patrick Stewart, Bambi II ?

Also, The Picard Song.

[Correction: Thanks to Mr. Stuart for pointing out that Wil has done a bunch of voice acting, from "Secret of Nimh" to "Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!"

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