Sunday, July 31, 2005

Let me put extra emphasis on this New York Moment:

I feel very proud that God put me to walk that street this morning and just to go get a beer and get some chips and to save her.

Baby in a Gift Bag Found in Brooklyn: "

2005_07_giftbag.jpgA newborn baby girl was found in a gift bag that was hanging on a chain link fence in Brooklyn. The girl, about a week or so old, is in stable condition, but the residents in Bushwick who found the baby were surprised that someone could leave the baby this way. There were a few interesting quotes. Karen Vaughan, who found the baby while heading to a store for cigarettes at 4AM, told the NY Times, 'I was like, 'Yo, look, a baby.'' Another man, Calvin Johnson, who also found the baby, told the Daily News, 'I'm very distraught. But I feel very proud that God put me to walk that street this morning and just to go get a beer and get some chips and to save her.' Another resident told the Times, 'I'd like to give [the mother] a nice beating.' Police are looking for the mother, and Brooklyn DA Chester Hynes emphasized that babies should be taken to 'any firehouse, police station, or hospital...The baby will be okay and no questions will be asked.'

Photography by Newsday

(Via Gothamist.)

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