Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Before I go to bed, this note of importance.

Also, there is a twenty second period on the subway between when someone starts talking to you and when you realize they are a crackhead. Sometimes this period is even shorter. Use it wisely.

The Next Open Thread: "

by DemFromCT

Lance Armstrong is doing fine. But does anyone know who won the Wife Carrying Championships? The Estonians had the edge. Winner gets his wife's weight in Nordic beer.


(Via The Next Hurrah.)

1 comment:

shagreen said...

See the trick is not to utilize the twenty seconds, but to decrease the talking time bit by bit until you can tell that someone's a crackhead the first moment you lay eyes on them, thereby bypassing the need for uncomfortable speech entirely.

If you're really good, you'll begin to know that the next person walking on the car will be a crackhead, or even wake up in the morning and know how many crackheads you'll meet that day.