Saturday, October 23, 2004

homage to delirium

waking yourself after food coma after a breakfast of freshly cooked ground chicken tacos with shredded cheddar and sliced cherry tomatoes with the first track to the Dancer in the Track soundtrack just barely audible in the background as iTunes runs through the entire playlist but really it was Dave who had woken you up with a text message asking if we were coming over to watch the Michigan v Purdue game at his dorm also so I could use faster internet to look for apartments, schools and then getting on the internet to let him know that we will miss the kickoff but oh wait the game starts at 3:30 not 3 as jeanne thought and then getting reminded (repeatedly) that the laundry needs to be put in the dryer and then reading blog about cat and remembering an article about animal culture and the lion that herded instead of eating animals because it was orphaned and grew up and learned from the sheep dog and oh yeah Jeanne says I can't smell fall which is true and I couldn't smell it even if it came behind me and bit me in the ass and by the way I finally understand why people wear high heels because I bought these hot looking patent leather dress shoes but they feel so gawd awful painful while I break them in and suddenly I feel so gloriously vain to which Sarah rolls her eyes and calls me a metrosexual and now I must go.

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