Tuesday, October 19, 2004

An Awesome musicalDebate spoof. W/ Ali, Amitabh, Bush, Cheney...just watch it.

This is how I want recipes to look:

I have a cold. The Allergy pills with gratuitous amounts of pseudoephedrine passing for a sudafed replacement seem to be doing the job.

Looking for apartments with mediocre credit in the city... Sucks.

I've heard enough bitching about my "price range" today. I think $2500 is more than enough for a three bedroom thank you. And no we don't collectively make 40 times that a year.

Anyways, the search continues.

And hamburgers at the UN cafeteria Suck.

Thank god for bacon wrapped pineapple.

And Happy Birthdays to all. I've been a bad person who's been forgetting them. You know who you are.

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