Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Cybrid Vigor

I want a gmail account. If anybody has a spare invitation, I would me much obliged.

I sat in Borders and read several magazines today. And people wonder why libraries are dying.

Wired had a reference to - a social networking site for mobile networking. I'm skeptical as to the utility of a social networking app that requires you to manually enter your location - it seems like a clone of's "mobile community site."

Or to put it other terms, upoc:dodgeball::sixdegrees:friendster. I am sure if this becomes popular, we are going to have another orcit.

So I'm signed up anyways. sheesh.

A certain friend I find is using a AIM handle referencing a poem from the early nineteenth century. That (among other things) makes me think of cybrids.


The UN Security Council passed a resolution 14-0 (with the US abstaining) that criticized Israel for activities currently underway in Gaza.

Meanwhile, a genocide continues in Sudan.
I'm thinking right now we're in a PAX HELP WANTED.

Dream thou - and from thy sleep

Then wake to weep.

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