Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The script works.

MacSlash on Google Secure Access with OS X: "

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macslash down
So, this morning, Bloglines listed a very interesting hack over at MacSlash that I wanted to check out and blog about here on TUAW, but for the past several hours, MacSlash has been MIA. I wonder what was up?

In any case, it's back up now and they point to the way to get Google Secure Access working on OS X. Google Secure Access is 'a Windows application that allows users to connect to Google's VPN (Virtual Private Network) to make WiFi connections more secure. While google did not release a client for Mac OS X it quickly became apparent that Google's VPN client used PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol) which is natively supported by Mac OS X. Getting it to work on OS X was the logical step to explore.'

My take on this? It's yet another failure on Google's part. I mean, if we the people can hack this and get it working, why didn't Google with all their money just come out with support of it on OS X out of the gates? It's not like they cannot afford to support Mac users. It's that they are choosing not to. Bad Google!
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(Via The Unofficial Apple Weblog.)

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