Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Is this true?

Women leaving tech jobs in droves: "

In Where have all the women gone? Roy Mark highlights evidence presented in various studies that women are leaving tech jobs en masse.

This is happening at a time when Bill Gates, Craig Barrett and John Chambers, et al., are trooping to Capitol Hill to decry the declining American IT talent pool. They want relaxed immigration rules. They want more tax dollars invested in science and technology. They want outsourcing.

Perhaps they should also call for an equal playing field among the sexes.

The IT industry prides itself as a working model for the new global economy, blind to everything but talent and hard work. Tech, though, is taking a big hike on walking the walk when it comes to women.

'Women don't feel valued by IT. They are forced into being a certain type of person, i.e. a white male model: linear, analytical, 24/7, in-your-face, your-job-is-your life,' says Barbara Annis, author of Same Words, Different Language. 'Women don't see a future for themselves [in IT] as they are.'

And as he points out, it's not about getting 'more women in the feeder pool' -- we're actually doing a pretty good job of educating girls in technology and getting them into their initial tech jobs. What's hard is keeping them there with the work environments being what they are."


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