Thursday, May 26, 2005

Rasputina at Southpaw, Wednesday

Rasputina at Southpaw, Wednesday

So we saw Rasputina tonight at Southpaw in Brooklyn, a venue comparable in tenor to venerable Blind Pig. (I also saw a Pig being carried across Union St in Brooklyn tonight, but that's another story.)

The concept of rock with cellos is a good one. Adding a witty front girl with cowboy boots and a headband with a feather sticking out Indian style, better.

Then you add a sidekick cellist in dreads and make lots of "Oh Look at Me, I'm anti-Bush" comments and you start to lose me a little.

It was quite an energetic show (coming nowhere near that of Amy Ray) but still fun. We had a lovely medley (sp?) thrown at us (more medleys please...) and also a very nice cover of Barracuda immediately preceded by the promise to go classical now, by which they indicated was playing music with class, such that class might rub off on the audience.

As if playing cellos already isn't classy enough.


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