Monday, February 07, 2005

catblogging, not me.


shagreen said...

This is my favorite - it's from CatPrin!!!!

Haven't I made you look at the printouts we made of this site before their translation got better?

I just grabbed it from out "pets" file (you know, with vet records and the like) this is the intro:

1. You need to dress a cat. and you will say to a cat together with a family. "It has changed just for a moment".
2. If a family and a cat become fortunate, you will take a commemorative photo.
3. If it finishes taking a photograph, you will make it remove clothes from a cat immediately. You will say then, without forgetting the languate of gratitude to a cat "be flooded -- a way -- good --having done one's best !"

There was a time when I was making excellent little coolie hats for beast, when she was first showing her proclivity towards red bean past sesame balls. But she seemed glum about it, so I stopped. Then I spanked her.

shagreen said...

This is my favorite - it's from CatPrin "the tailor for a cat you know"!!!!

(If this comment is repeated it is not my fault - blogger evidently does not get up early enough to catch my wit)

Haven't I made you look at the printouts we made of this site before their translation got better?

I just grabbed it from out "pets" file (you know, with vet records and the like) this is the intro:

1. You need to dress a cat. and you will say to a cat together with a family. "It has changed just for a moment".
2. If a family and a cat become fortunate, you will take a commemorative photo.
3. If it finishes taking a photograph, you will make it remove clothes from a cat immediately. You will say then, without forgetting the languate of gratitude to a cat "be flooded -- a way -- good --having done one's best !"

There was a time when I was making excellent little coolie hats for beast, when she was first showing her proclivity towards red bean past sesame balls. But she seemed glum about it, so I stopped. Then I spanked her.

shagreen said...

Well, now, this is not fair. Blogger is toying with my emotions.