Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Wil blogging about his first mac experience.

I don't remember the first mac I used. In middle school, we had SE/30s that I faithfully played Dungeon of Doom on in typing classes. This is why I never learned to type properly.

To this day, I am betting on the arrival of subvocalized input into a computer before my wrists succumb to some carpal tunnel syndrome.

You think Wil Wheaton is old? I was at the diner at the corner the other day and we saw Sanka on the menu. What is Sanka Jeanne & Antonia asked.

Sanka, the first decaffeinated coffee (the name comes from sans caffeine), ushered in the era of orange signifying decaf.

An instant coffee, many of us grew up to Sanka ads, which sadly or not, must have dissappeared by the late eighties. Alas, I can't seem to find any commercials online to link for you.

Sanka makes me feel old. Well, that and reading Love in the Time of Cholera anyways.

To bed.

[Edit: Yes, sub-vocalized input like Jane in Children of the Mind. If you look at bluetooth headphones these days, the cultural changes required to have people talking through something permanently attached to their ears are already happening.]


manderay said...

Subvocalized input as in Jane from Children of the Mind (to label myself immediately as a nerd)? Because that would be cool...
I've heard of Sanka, and seen a commercial somewhere.

PS: It's 67.8 degrees here. Outside.

satmandu said...
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Anonymous said...

Yes exactly.


Card thought up the perfect terminology for it too.

It snowed here last night. And there is whistling outside.